The first recorded Christmas celebration in Hawaii was in 1786
The first recorded Christmas celebration in Hawaii was in 1786, when Captain George Dixon of the Queen Charlotte hosted a Christmas dinner on Kauai. The meal included a roast pig, pie, and grog mixed with coconut milk.
Here are some other milestones in the history of Christmas in Hawaii:
- 1856: King Kamehameha IV and Queen Emma celebrated Christmas as a day of Thanksgiving.
- 1858: Mary Dominis hosted a party at Washington Place, featuring the first Christmas tree and Santa Claus in Hawaii.
- 1862: King Kamehameha IV declared Christmas an official holiday.
Today, Christmas in Hawaii is celebrated with many traditions, including:
Mele Kalikimaka: The Hawaiian phrase for "Merry Christmas"
Christmas trees: Some use Norfolk pine trees grown in Hawaii, while others use trees shipped in from the US mainland. Some decorate palm trees with lights and ornaments.
Christmas carols: Carolers often sing in Hawaiian accompanied by ukulele.
Hula: Dancers perform the hula.
Christmas dinner: A traditional lu'au might include a pig roasted in an underground pit, chicken long rice, lomilomi salmon, and poi.
- Kanikapila: A less formal get-together that means "to make music".